Simon Kenton School

Simon Kenton School


Community Organizations & Nonprofits


The Hardin County Board of Developmental Disabilities is an agency that supports children and adults with disabilities and their families from birth to death. Our mission is to support choices of people with disabilities to get the supports they need and want. We believe we can enrich our community by ensuring these choices exist for people with disabilities. Our hope is to help people with disabilities find these choices and supports within their communities the same way we all do. 
Our services begin with Early Intervention for our youngest community members at birth. Children birth to three years old, and their families receive intervention from highly trained staff on child development. Staff work with families in their home to help the child catch up on delays. 
At three years old, a child can begin attending HCBDD/Simon Kenton Preschool where preschoolers with disabilities learn alongside typically developing peers as role models. 
When children graduate from preschool, most go on to attend kindergarten through their home school districts, but a few move on to HCBDD/Simon Kenton School. 
Finally, we support adults with developmental disabilities in Hardin County to live in their communities independently. Through the assistance of providers in their home paid for by the Hardin County Board of DD, adults live in their own homes, go to work or day activities, grocery shop, pay bills, pay taxes, and many other life activities. 
We are a birth to death agency that relies on the generosity of our local taxpayers to help us leverage as many state and local dollars as possible to support over 200 children and adults in our Hardin County community.


Amy Newland

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