๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐: Ohio Insurance & Financial Services is an Independent Insurance Agency originally started in Kenton by Gary Nelson in 1976. Over the past 48 years, thanks in large part to support from Hardin County and surrounding local communities, our business has grown to include 12 office locations throughout Northwest and Central Ohio including Nelson Insurance Agency in Kenton, Cole-Humphrey Insurance Agency in Ada, Sloan Insurance Center in Bellefontaine, Hollanshead-Kinsey Insurance Agency in Russells Point, Harrison Insurance Agency in Wapakoneta, ARK Insurance Services in Findlay, and others. We are a full-service Agency offering one-stop shopping for nearly all insurance needs! Our services include products, advice, and solutions for Auto, Home, Farm, Business, Investment Properties, Medicare, Health (Group & Individual), and Life Insurance. Representing over 40 different insurance companies, chances are high our Agency can customize the right insurance products at competitive rates with quality coverage for nearly every person!
Please call, click, or visit our local offices and one of our over 30 friendly, professional, Agents will be glad to help find the best insurance products with expert advice at the right price to protect all that matters to you!
Nelson Insurance - 405 N. Main Street, Ste C., Kenton
Cole-Humphrey Insurance - 115 N. Main Street, Ada
Sloan Insurance Center - 1413 S. Main Street, Bellefontaine
Nelson Insurance - (419) 673-8256
Cole-Humphrey Insurance - (419) 634-8010
Sloan Insurance Center - (937) 592-4856
๐๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ: Monday- Friday 9am to 5pm. Alternative hours available by appointment